Scrum-Day 2019 Agile Games Corner Material
Uff. The Scrumday 2019 is over. And it was a blast.
Exhausted but happy here is what I proposed during the sessions @ the Agile Games Corner: additional info and instructions to the simulations, energizers and games I facilitated.
Tech Debt Game: a simulation to explain the need for refactoring with non-technical means to non-technical people can be found here
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to pick up the original source for one of my current favorites: Egg & Shell, a short simulation to experience how it feels like to trust and to focus on someone who is relying on you. So I created a facilitation script at tastycupcakes
Here are the energizers:
Princess and Werewolves: Thanks to @dhommel who introduced me to this fun energizer – and showed up right in time at the agile games corner to prevent me from screwing, thanks mate 😉
Danish clapping. I can’t name the orginal source but here is a video which illustrates the facilitation
Antelopes, Tigers and Elefants. Again no source available. I learned it from Susanne Burgstaller. If you find another reference, let me know!
Thank you for visiting us at the agile games corner. See you next year @Scrumday 2020!!